For some reason, gay guys and the gym go hand in hand. It's possible that
gay guys just appreciate the male anatomy more (their own and those of
others) that they hit the gym more often than other people do. For the
last couple of weeks talk of joining the gym has been popping in and out of
the group's discussions that I've likewise decided to check it out.
I've only joined Fitness First gym for a couple of days now and my Trainer
told me that I have too much fat in my skinny body. I guess I really
should take this seriously. Based on his estimates, I would have to gain
one to two pounds a month and reach my optimum weight by six months (just
enough time for the Thailand trip - if that pushes thru). My concern is
whether I should retain him as my trainer or not. It's going to cost more
money but then I would be forced to really work out. Most of the guys I've
talked to (including Johan and Michelle) say that I really don't need to
here him but just do lots of cardio and work on the arms.
Okay, enough of me. Back to the subject matter. Is it really a matter of
fitness being the first priority of joining the gym? Well, Paris says he
needs to join the gym coz he's gaining too much weight and needs to trim
down. That's almost the same reason as mine only from the reverse
direction (losing instead of gaining weight).
Luke, it seems needs to do the same thing - lose weight. However his
motivations are much closer to that of Daniel - to get a better body so
that they could flaunt it to their ex-es. Kinda like an
in-your-face-you-dumped-me-and-now-see-what-you-lost kinda thing. I'm not
really sure if that's healthy. It kinda says that these guys are still not
over their ex-es. Hopefully their hearts will heal the same time that
their bodies become better.
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