The group was supposed to meet up at around 7 p.m. and head for Tagaytay. Since I had time to kill, I caught the 4 p.m. show of Orlando Bloom's "Kingdom of Heaven". I got a call from Paris at around 5 p.m. and messaged him back that I was inside the movie house and couldn't return his call. He replied via SMS that he wouldn't be able to join us that evening since he had to meet up with KC. I kinda figured he had to do his own thing and agreed, sending him another SMS that he should inform the other regarding the change of plans.
The movie ended at around 6:15 p.m. and decided to call both Luke and Paris. Luke said he would pick me up at the Greenbelt area at around 7:00 and that we should head straight to Tagaytay by then. He didn't mention if he was able to talk with Daniel but decided not to ask since I knew that would probably tick him off. Called Paris and found that out that he was having pizza with KC at Yellow Cab in Glorietta. I got to meet up with two. It was the first time that I saw KC and I have to say that he looked quite different from his pics and also from Steve. They agreed that they would join us at Tagaytay on the grounds that they need to meet up with a friend of theirs and that they would be ready by 8 p.m. Paris was able to call Daniel (who just woke up) and confirm that he was still going.
Since they were heading somewhere near Rockwell, I greed to move to the Rockwell mall to make it easier to meet up. I gladly killed time checking out the different stores since it was rare that I shop at Rockwell. At around 7:30 p.m., Luke arrived and decided that we eat at Brother's Burger while we wait for Paris and KC. It was quite obvious that he was preoccupied with something. It turns out that he was distracted by the fact that his current chat buddy is into posting pics of his anatomy on the net as well as considering attending orgies. He was also concerned about
his best friend's current situation of being caught between two relationships. The mere fact that he was with Steve yesterday and with KC did not fit well in his perception.
At around 8:30 p.m. Paris and KC called up and asked if they could be picked up at Greenbelt instead of Rockwell. An annoyed Luke grudgingly agreed and drove to pick them up. In fifteen minutes we were finally heading for Tagaytay. The trip went well considering that Luke was still kinda annoyed and that KC was feeling a bit uncomfortable about being in the car. The fact that he knows his situation with Paris and Steve, and the idea that both Luke and I knew about it and yet were not talking about it made it seem worse. We tended to ignore that part and playfully asked KC to sing. The kid had a low voice and Paris insisted that he has was a
good singer.
We arrived at Tagaytay in less than an hour. Luke quickly wanted to have coffee to calm his nerves. Paris, however, wanted a change of scenery and asked if they could simply eat at Pancake House. This exchange quickly threatened to become a fight as Luke and Paris' tempers started to flare. I had to step in and put in a compromise. I sent Paris and KC to order their pancakes while I accompanied Luke to buy coffee at Starbucks. Things were starting to cool down when Daniel arrived. He greeted Paris and KC and proceeded to head outside where me and Luke were smoking cigarettes. After exchanging pleasantries, I excused myself and headed back to Pancake House to join Paris and KC, leaving Daniel and Luke outside.
When Pancake House announced that they were closing we all left for Starbucks for another round of coffee. It was pretty weird though since there were tension between Paris and his best friend Luke, as well as, as between Daniel and me. I almost felt sorry for KC as he had to witness that on his first night out with the group.
We packed up at around two. I left with Daniel. To an outside observer it would seem normal ride between two friends, but it wasn't normal. We would talk about the events happening to Paris' situation between Steve and KC as well as what was happening with Luke but we didn't touch anything with regards to what was happening in either of out lives. Good thing it was a short ride home. I found out that it was worse in the other car wherein Paris and Luke were not talking at all.
Hope things clear up soon. It shouldn't stay this awkward between friends.
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