That's how Paris describes last Saturday's (or early Sunday's) incident.
A bit of background before I explain why: Bumped into Daniel at the Gym in
the morning. Wasn't really planning to, but Anne kinda screwed up the
schedules and made mine coincide with Daniel. Anyway, after a week of not
seeing him, we had lunch and coffee together (offsetting all the plans I
had for the day, which included getting my phone repaired and going home
and prepare before meeting up with the gang for that night's videoke
During which time Daniel told me that he wouldn't want to go to Makati for
a wholesome night out with the rest of the gang coz of several reasons,
(a) Makati is too tempting a hunting ground for him. He fears he'll be
exposed to other teamplayers (and his ex) and that he might jump on any
chance he could even though he doesn't want that.
(b) He doesn't want to bump into his other group which is of "bad
influence" to him
(c) He's avoiding the temptation of going to the hot spots and be thrust
into the action.
Bottom line, he said he can't go and asked me to explain to Paris and Luke
Well, the videoke session night out went well (even if Luke had to leave
since he had a date with Stellar Eyes). By twelve, Paris, KC and I were
still wired and decided to hit the road. We joked of going to Government
but when we got there we found that the crowd outside was pretty thin and
decided to move to Malate instead. Inside the car, I was joking that we
should bump into one of Daniel's friend. I even added that it would be
funny if we went there and found Daniel with him.
Guess what. It wasn't funny. When we got to Malate, I spotted the friend
along one of the tables in the bar outside of Bed. I jokingly pulled Paris
back to point him out. To our shock, there seated beside him was Daniel.
He must be likewise surprised coz he hurriedly stood up and started to
explain himself. I don't think Paris and I were in the mood to listed and
waved him off. We decided we needed a drink and went in to Bed.
After a while, Daniel came in. He said hello. But still pissed at him, we
just gave him the cold shoulder.
Same thing happened when he came over to say he was going home.
Can you blame me for being a cold hearted bitch?
Paris is more pissed coz he things that Daniel might have been just making
excuses and avoiding the group.
I'm pissed coz I've been betrayed and lied to.
I guess the coincidence was still working for me. In a sense Paris is
right, that night has indeed been Providential. I got to see the side I
didn't want to see.
Hopefully, that incident have knocked some sense into me.
I think it has.